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IST 669 - Special Topics in Information Security

Syllabus for section SD5, Spring II 2025.

This course is fully online and does not meet in person. It is also asynchronous, which means that there is no specific time that you must be online each day.

Instructor Information

Dr. Mike Murphy
Office Location: Penny Hall room 238

Office Hours

I will be available in Microsoft Teams during office hours and by appointment.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Recommend an open source software license for a collaboratively written piece of security software. [Maps to PEO 1]
  2. Explain the difference between permissive open source licenses and copyleft licenses. [Maps to PEO 2]
  3. Conduct research into current issues related to software licensing. [Maps to PEO 3]

The above outcomes are mapped to the Program Educational Outcomes for the Santee Cooper Master of Science in Information Systems Technology:

  1. Contributing to society through the application of strong core competencies in the field,
  2. Demonstrating a commitment to professional and ethical practice, and
  3. Successfully adapting to technical, societal, and environmental changes by building upon strong foundational competencies.

Texts and Materials

Technology Requirements


The course grade is based on 4 project Milestones, each weighted at 25%.

The final course grade will be computed using the standard 10-point scale:

Grade Range
A 90-100
B+ 85-89
B 80-84
C+ 75-79
C 70-74
D+ 65-69
D 60-64
F 0-59

There is NO final exam in this course.


There will be four (4) Milestones in this course:

  1. Statement of Work - Due 3/25
  2. Permissive License Agreements - Due 4/8
  3. Copyleft License Agreements - Due 4/22
  4. Position Statement - Due 4/29

Each Milestone requires the submission of a written paper that requires independent research into software license agreements for a hypothetical piece of open source security software.

Late Work

Each graded item will close for submissions at 11:59 PM EDT on the specified closing date. Due to the fast paced nature of this course, late submissions will not be accepted but will instead receive a grade of zero (0).

If you become so sick that you’re unable to do your work, or if some other significant hardship arises, please let me know immediately. You need to notify me before the closing date unless you are hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated. Extensions and adjustments can be made on an individual basis for excused reasons.

Attendance Policies

Regular weekly participation in this course is required. Per University policy, missed graded items will be recorded as absences. Failure to submit the Statement of Work on time will result in withdrawal for non-attendance.

Other Policies

Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence

The CCU Academic Integrity Code (part of the Code of Student Conduct) applies to this course. In particular, making false statements, hiring or permitting someone else to complete course activities, and willful and flagrant plagiarism are all examples of academic integrity violations. Violations of the CCU Academic Integrity Code in this course will result in a course grade of FX.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) software like ChatGPT may be used for research purposes, with the caution that it may hallucinate incorrect information. Generative AI MAY NOT be used for writing the Milestone reports.

Communications Policy

I will normally reply to email within 1-2 business days. Email received over a weekend or on a holiday may not receive a response for 1-2 business days after the weekend or holiday. Please note that I’m only able to answer the phone and return phone calls on days where I work from the office (typically, days when I have posted office hours). Email is a much faster way to reach me and receive a reply.

Disability Accommodations

Per University policy, I can only grant you accommodations that are authorized through Accessibility and Disability Services. Please have your accommodations information sent to me within the first week of class or within a week of approval if accommodations are implemented in the middle of the semester.

Contingency Plan

Per the CCU Academic Continuity Plan, courses will continue online whenever the University is unable to hold in-person classes. Since this course is already online, activities will proceed as scheduled unless the University announces otherwise. ALWAYS take your laptop or other computer with you whenever you go out of town, including during University breaks, evacuations, and other travel. Remember that you could encounter travel difficulties and have issues returning on time, even if University operations are not affected.


Portions of this course may deal with issues related to cost analysis, laws, and ethics. I am not a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor, and no portion of this class constitutes legal, financial, or other regulated professional advice. This syllabus is tentative and is subject to change with notice to the class during the semester. If a portion of this syllabus is found to be non-compliant with University policies or applicable laws, the remainder of this syllabus will remain effective.