Completing Worksheets in Word Online
If you prefer to use Microsoft Word to complete course worksheets, then I recommend that you use Word Online via the subscription that comes with your CCU Microsoft 365 account. Using Word is less private than using LibreOffice on your local computer, since Microsoft has a lot of tracking code built into the application. However, some people may find Word more convenient than LibreOffice Writer.
Getting Started with a Worksheet
Starting to edit a worksheet in Word Online requires a few steps. I find it easiest to start from the Microsoft OneDrive interface.
Step 1: Access OneDrive
To get to the OneDrive Web interface, log in to your CCU Microsoft Office account. You can start from the Outlook email application, or you can begin at the Office Online Portal. Click on the applications icon at the top of the screen, as shown in Figure 1, to open the applications drawer.
Click the OneDrive item (the one with the cloud icon). You will then be taken to the OneDrive application, as shown in Figure 2. Click the My Files menu item on the left side of the screen.
Step 2: Create a Class Folder
If you have not already created a folder for organizing your course materials, I recommend that you create one. To do so, click the Add New button in the upper left part of the screen, as shown in Figure 3.
You will be prompted for a name for the new folder. For this example, I named the folder csci435. However, you should pick a name that corresponds to the course that you’re taking. You might also want to create a hierarchy of folders to organize your courses by semester or subject.
Step 3: Go to Your Class Folder
Once you have created a folder for the class, you can navigate to it from the OneDrive interface, as illustrated in Figure 4.
Step 4: Download the Worksheet to Your Computer
Now that OneDrive is ready, open a separate browser tab, and go to the instructions for the activity you’re planning to complete. Download the worksheet document that I provide in the instructions, and note where it is saved on your computer (normally in your Downloads folder).
Step 5: Upload the Worksheet
Once you’re inside your course folder in OneDrive and have downloaded the worksheet to your computer, you can now upload the worksheet from your computer into your OneDrive folder. Begin by clicking the Add new button in the upper left, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Starting to upload the worksheet in OneDrive.
Click the Files upload option from the menu on the left side of the screen. You will be presented with a dialog similar to Figure 6, but the actual appearance will depend on your operating system. Choose the worksheet file that your downloaded from the activity instructions. In this example, I’m using a file named encryption.docx, which is the Milestone 1 worksheet for the Spring 2025 version of CSCI 435. However, you should choose the appropriate filename for the worksheet you’re planning to complete.
Figure 6: Choosing a worksheet document to upload to OneDrive.
Once your worksheet document has been uploaded successfully, you should be able to see it in your OneDrive folder, as shown in the example in Figure 7.
Figure 7: The worksheet has been uploaded to OneDrive.
Step 6: Open the Worksheet
From the OneDrive folder containing the worksheet document, simply click on the worksheet file name to open it in Word Online. You can use Word Online to edit the worksheet and add your responses, as detailed below.
Entering a Text Response
Each worksheet question has a response box that consists of a 1x1 table under the question. For whatever reason, Word Online seems to leave off the sides of this box and shows only the upper and lower lines. Simply type your answer between these lines, as shown in Figure 8.
Word Online automatically saves your document as you work. However, you should be careful to wait a few moments before closing your browser tab after your last edit.
Adding a Screenshot
Some worksheet sections may ask you to include a screenshot. There is a placeholder image in the location in the worksheet where the screenshot is to be included. Right-click the placeholder image, then go to Change Picture and click From This Device (Figure 9).
A file dialog similar to the one in Figure 10 will be presented, although its exact appearance will depend on your system.
Click the Open button. The new picture should be displayed instead of the placeholder, as illustrated in Figure 11.
Word Online will save your changes automatically. However, you should be careful to wait a few moments before closing the browser tab after making any change.
Saving a PDF
To save your worksheet in PDF form for submission, go to File…Export… Download as PDF, as shown in Figure 12.
Once your PDF is ready, a download dialog similar to Figure 13 will appear. Click the Download button.
The downloaded PDF file will normally go into your Downloads folder. Check the folder to be sure it is present. To submit your work, open Moodle in another browser tab, then navigate to the course. Go to the assignment submission for the activity. Upload the PDF file that you just downloaded.