Milestone 2 - Permissive License Agreements
DUE: Tuesday, April 8, 2025
For this milestone, you will research and explain the four permissive software license agreements that you identified in Milestone 1.
Paper Requirements
For Milestone 2, you will prepare a comprehensive but concise document that describes each of the 4 permissive software license agreements you listed in your Statement of Work (Milestone 1). For each license:
- Give a brief overview of the license.
- Explain what the license allows.
- Mention anything the license doesn’t allow.
The length of your submission should be 6 pages, double spaced, in an 11 or 12 point font. I recommend initially writing around 7 pages of text and making a few revision passes to condense your writing into 6 pages. The page limit includes:
- A short title for your work,
- Your name,
- All section headers,
- All references.
For this milestone, your references should include:
- A citation for the license text of each of the 4 licenses you chose. If the license is published by an organization, cite the “canonical” source (that is, the license text directly from the organization that published it). For licenses without a canonical source, find a “reputable” source that has a copy of the text. A reputable source might be an academic institution, company, or a site that specializes in licenses (such as the OSI).
- Anything else you used when creating your license summary, including sites that explain or compare licenses.
Do not cite Wikipedia directly for this milestone. Instead, look at the sources cited by the Wikipedia article, confirm those sources actually say what Wikipedia says they say (which isn’t always the case), and then cite the original source.
You may use any citation style you prefer.
Submission Requirements
Export your finished paper into PDF format, and upload the PDF file as your submission to the Milestone 2 assignment activity in Moodle.
This milestone supports the following Student Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the difference between permissive open source licenses and copyleft licenses.
- Conduct research into current issues related to software licensing.