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Milestone 7: Seat Management

For this milestone, you will prepare your Alpine Linux installation for a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This preparation involves starting system services and configuring seat management so that your user account has the correct permissions to access display, audio, and input hardware. You will also install NetworkManager to make network configuration a bit easier.

Page Contents

Milestone Worksheet

Please download the following worksheet for Milestone 7. To be sure your browser downloads the file instead of trying to open it, right-click the following link and choose “Save As,” “Save Link As,” or similar language from the menu. (Each browser is a little different in what wording it uses.)


Please read the following background lessons:

As you complete the readings, fill in the top part of the Milestone Worksheet. Note that you will need to return to these instructions in order to get the commands needed for the steps in this milestone like you did in the previous milestone.


Use the above documentation to work through the following steps:

  1. Boot the Pi and log in as your regular user.
  2. Run system updates (see the first step of the previous milestone for a reminder) and reboot if the linux-tealpi5 package gets updated.
  3. Install, start, and enable D-Bus.
  4. Switch to the udev device manager.
  5. Install and enable elogind for seat management.
  6. Enable PAM.
  7. Install Pipewire for future sound support.
  8. Install, start, and enable Bluetooth services.
  9. Switch to NetworkManager.
  10. Reboot the Pi.

Submission Guidelines

After your Pi reboots, log in as your regular user. Run the following commands:

unset PAGER
nmcli connection show

Check Your Work

Verify the following:

  1. Your hostname includes your CCU username.
  2. Your clock is set correctly.
  3. The output of the loginctl command shows a session. This session should be named c1 on seat0 and tty1. If you get an error message, then either something went wrong with your seat setup or you forgot to reboot the Pi.
  4. NetworkManager should show that it is connected to a wired or wireless network.
  5. All the command output should be visible on a single screen. If loginctl and nmcli are using up the whole screen, then you forgot to unset the PAGER variable first.

Prepare Your Submission

Use your phone to take a photo of your screen, since you don’t yet have a screenshot tool available on the Pi. Transfer the photo to your computer, and replace the placeholder image in the Milestone Worksheet with your photo. Export the worksheet to PDF format, and upload the PDF to Moodle as the submission for the Milestone 7 assignment activity.

As a reminder, here are the instructions for editing the worksheet in either LibreOffice or Word Online:

ABET Assessment

Successful completion of this assignment satisfies the following performance indicator: