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Milestone 9: Desktop Platform

For this milestone, you will configure your Alpine Linux installation to create a usable desktop platform. This desktop platform will include Web browsers, an office suite, and the all-important Solitaire game.

Page Contents

Milestone Changes

For this milestone, we’re going to use our KDE Plasma environment to complete the milestone worksheet. In order to accomplish this change, we need to get a browser and an office suite (LibreOffice) working on KDE Plasma before downloading the Milestone Worksheet. Instead of downloading the Milestone Worksheet on your desktop computer, you will instead download it on your Pi inside the KDE Plasma environment.

First Procedure

Follow the instructions from these OER documents in order. You will be configuring your Konsole to make the font more readable, installing and configuring two Web browsers (LibreWolf and Falkon), and installing and tweaking LibreOffice.

  1. Configure Konsole Settings.
  2. Install and configure LibreWolf.
  3. Install and configure Falkon.
  4. Install and configure LibreOffice.

Milestone Worksheet

On your KDE Plasma desktop running on your Raspberry Pi, use one of the browsers to download the following worksheet for Milestone 9. Right-click the link and select “Save Link As,” then download the file to your Downloads folder. Note that the file for this milestone is in Open Document Format and has a .odt extension. ODT is the native format for LibreOffice Writer.

Second Procedure

Once you have the worksheet, go back through the documents from the First Procedure to complete the top part of the worksheet. Once you have completed the top part:

Submission Guidelines

Open a Konsole window by going to the start menu, then the System category, and pick Konsole. Alternatively, press CTRL+ALT+T. In the Konsole window, run the following commands:

which librewolf
which falkon
which libreoffice
flatpak list

Check Your Work

Verify the following:

  1. KDE Plasma is running on Alpine Linux.
  2. Konsole is using the Inconsolata font.
  3. Your CCU username is part of your hostname in the Konsole window.
  4. The date and time are set correctly.
  5. The LibreWolf browser is installed at /usr/bin/librewolf.
  6. The Falkon browser is installed at /usr/bin/falkon.
  7. The libreoffice command resolves to your wrapper script, which should be located at /home/username/.local/bin/libreoffice (where username is your username).
  8. The org.kde.kpat (KPatience) package is installed via Flatpak.

Prepare Your Submission

To take a screenshot, press the Prt Scn (Print Screen) key on your keyboard. The KDE screenshot tool (Spectacle) will appear, and it should show that the entire desktop has been captured, including the Konsole window. Click the Save As button at the top of the Spectacle dialog. By default, the screenshot will be saved into a Screenshots folder inside your Pictures folder.

Edit the worksheet in LibreOffice Writer to replace the placeholder screenshot with the screenshot you just took. Save the file, then export it into PDF format.

Using either LibreWolf or Falkon in your KDE Plasma desktop environment, log into Moodle (visit to go directly there from your Pi). Upload the PDF file you created as your submission to the Milestone 9 assignment activity.

The procedure for completing the worksheet in LibreOffice is documented below:

ABET Assessment

Successful completion of this assignment satisfies the following performance indicator: