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CSCI 311 - System Architecture

Syllabus for section 01, Fall 2022.

This is a hybrid course that meets in person on Wednesdays, 1:00-1:50 PM, in AOC2 room 240.

HARD DEADLINE for Portfolio and Self-Assessment: December 7th, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST

Instructor Information

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the basic operation of a Central Processing Unit.
  2. Distinguish between different Instruction Set Architectures and identify benefits and weaknesses of various commercially available CPUs.
  3. Describe the operation of memory and storage devices, including addressing and partitioning schemes.
  4. Describe the hardware-software interface of a computer system, including the bootloader, kernel, firmware, and device drivers.
  5. Calculate power and cooling requirements for equipment given thermal design power specifications.
  6. Explain how multiple systems can be hosted within a data center in a safe and efficient manner.

ABET Assessment

This course measures the following Performance Indicators:

Texts and Materials

Grading Procedures

This course is built around hands-on assignments, each of which is submitted in the form of a recorded oral presentation (screencast video or narrated slides). After reviewing your submission for an assignment, I will provide feedback that includes both the strengths of your solution and areas that could be improved. One thing that will be missing from the feedback is a grade, since there are no grades in this course. You will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit each assignment, subject to the limitation that a maximum of one assignment can be submitted per week (for my own self-preservation).

As you progress through the course, you will compile a portfolio of your accomplishments. This portfolio will include your resume, a summary of your accomplishments in this course, and a course reflection. Your reflection will describe what you did, what problems you solved, what technologies you used to solve those problems, challenges you encountered, and what you learned in the process. If you already have a public portfolio, then you should add the materials from this course to that portfolio. Otherwise, you will create a new portfolio. This portfolio should look professional, since its ultimate purpose is to be found by prospective employers who might be interested in hiring you into a career position.

At the end of the course, you will also submit a private self-assessment of your work, including a proposed letter grade (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or F). If I agree with your self-assessment, the grade you select will be your final course grade. I reserve the right to assign a higher or lower grade than you select, based upon your effort, assignment progress, and portfolio contents. To state what is hopefully obvious, if you do not submit a portfolio and self-assessment by the hard deadline for the course, the only grade I can assign for you is an F.

Attendance Policies

Regular participation in class is expected, but I do not record or grade attendance. If you are working with a group, you are expected to attend group meetings, participate, and contribute your share of group activities. In the event that you are not working effectively with your group, I may reassign you to work with classmates who are also not participating. In extreme cases, I might remove you from all groups and require you to complete your assignments individually.

Although I would like you to participate at each class meeting, please do NOT attend any in-person class meetings or physical office hours if you are sick. Instead, please let me know via email at least an hour before the scheduled meeting so that you can participate via Microsoft Teams.

Other Policies

Academic Integrity

The CCU Academic Integrity Code applies to this course. In particular, making false statements, falsifying information on self or peer evaluations, hiring or permitting someone else to complete course activities, and plagiarism are all examples of academic integrity violations. Violations of the CCU Academic Integrity Code in this course may result in a course grade of FX.

Communications Policy

I will normally reply to email within 1-2 business days. Email received over a weekend or on a holiday may not receive a response for 1-2 business days after the weekend or holiday. Please note that I’m only able to answer the phone and return phone calls on days where I work from the office (typically, days when I have posted office hours). Email is typically a much faster way to reach me and receive a reply.

Disability Accommodations

Per University policy, I can only grant you accommodations that are authorized through Accessibility and Disability Services. Please have your accommodations information sent to me within the first week of class or within a week of approval if accommodations are implemented in the middle of the semester.

Laptop Computer Requirement

You need a computer and high speed Internet access to take this course. If this course has any in-person meetings, a laptop should be brought to each class. Minimum specifications are posted on the Department of Computing Sciences Computing Requirements page

Contingency Plan

Per the CCU Academic Continuity Plan, courses will continue online whenever the University is unable to hold in-person classes. If this course has a synchronous meeting time, then we will meet using Microsoft Teams. All other online activities will proceed as scheduled, unless the University announces otherwise. ALWAYS take your laptop or other computer with you whenever you go out of town, including during University breaks, evacuations, and other travel. Remember that you could experience a travel contingency and have an issue returning, even if University operations are not affected.

For fall semester courses, please review my Hurricane Information page. Always monitor your email and the CCU Website for official announcements regarding irregular operations.


Portions of this course may deal with issues related to cost analysis, laws, and ethics. I am not a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor, and no portion of this class constitutes legal or financial advice. This syllabus is tentative and is subject to change with notice to the class during the semester. If a portion of this syllabus is found to be non-compliant with University policies or applicable laws, the remainder of this syllabus will remain effective.