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Assignment: Circuits and Logic

For this assignment, you will design a digital logic circuit and explain its operation using a truth table and Karnaugh Map.

Page Contents

Background Material

At a low level, computers are made up of giant collections of digital switches. Each switch can be turned on (usually corresponding to the value 1) or off (usually corresponding to the value 0). Computers work by using logical operations to turn on and off sets of switches in predictable ways. Multiple circuits are implemented inside the computer to perform different kinds of operations.

As a starting point for understanding digital logic and circuits, consult my Abstraction and Logic OER materials.


Prepare a video presentation (or narrated set of slides) with the following information:

  1. Explain how many digital switches are needed to represent information with a given number of possible states. For example, what is the minimum number of switches we need to represent two possible values (on and off)? Four possible values (red, green, blue, or yellow)? Eight possible values? Sixteen possible values? Is there a pattern or a formula here?
  2. Design and draw a circuit that takes 4 inputs and contains at least two of each of the following kinds of gates: AND, XOR, NAND, NOR. The circuit doesn’t need to do anything useful, and it may have either 1 or 2 outputs.
  3. Construct and present a truth table for the circuit you designed.
  4. Construct and present a Karnaugh Map based on your truth table.
  5. Reflect on what you learned by completing this assignment. Explain what parts of the assignment were especially challenging to complete.

If you elect to work with a partner, you should each present for approximately equal time.

Be sure to include the URLs to your portfolio (or both portfolios, if working with a partner) in the presentation.

Portfolio Items

Include the following items in your portfolio:

  1. Your circuit diagram, embedded as an image.
  2. Your truth table, as an HTML table.
  3. Your Karnaugh Map, as an HTML table.

Hints and Tips

For drawing the circuits, I find that (nee is useful. However, there are other tools available for drawing circuits. Whichever tool you select, try to make your circuits appear professional.

Submission Requirements

Submit your presentation video to one of the weekly submission boxes for the course. If you’re working with a partner, only one person needs to submit the video.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.