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Michael A. Murphy




Journal Articles

  1. Diversifying Computing Degree Programs to Improve Student Retention. Jean H. French, Michael A. Murphy, Cory Nance, and Crystal Cox. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 33(2). 237-244. 2017.
  2. Using Kestrel and XMPP to support the STAR experiment in the Cloud. Lance Stout, Matthew Walker, Jérôme Lauret, Sebastien Goasguen, and Michael A. Murphy. Journal of Grid Computing 11(2). 239-264. 2013.
  3. Virtual Organization Clusters: Self-Provisioned Clouds on the Grid. Michael A. Murphy and Sebastien Goasguen. Future Generation Computer Systems 28(8). 1271-1281. 2010.
  4. Autonomic Clouds on the Grid. Michael A. Murphy, Linton Abraham, Michael Fenn, and Sebastien Goasguen. Journal of Grid Computing 8(1). 1–18. 2010.
  5. A State Machine Sensor Network for Ephemeral Stream Detection. Michael A. Murphy and Christopher J. Post. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2(3). 191–199. 2006.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Ungrading in Computer Science: A Case Study. Jean H. French, Crystal K. Cox, and Michael A. Murphy. Paper. 38th Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges: Southeastern Region Conference (CCSC:SE 2024). Greenville, South Carolina. November 1 - November 2, 2024.
  2. Diversifying Computing Degree Programs to Improve Retention. Jean French, Michael Murphy, Cory Nance, and Crystal Cox. Paper. 31st Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges: Southeastern Region Conference (CCSC:SE 2017). Greenville, South Carolina. November 3 – November 4, 2017.
  3. Hands-On, Web Service Based, Software Architecture Lab Component for Software Engineering Course. Crystal Cox and Mike Murphy. Paper. Thirteenth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Mid-South Conference (CCSC: Mid-South 2015). Conway, Arkansas. April 10 – April 11, 2015.
  4. Pulley: Secure Administration of Virtual and Remote Computing Systems. Douglas C. Turner, Michael Fenn, and Michael A. Murphy. Short Paper and Poster. 52nd ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE ‘14). Kennesaw, Georgia. March 28 – March 29, 2014.
  5. A Living Lab Approach for Collaboration and Innovative Thinking in the CS Curriculum. Jean French, Crystal Cox, and Michael A. Murphy. Short Paper and Poster. 51st ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE ‘13). Savannah, Georgia. April 4 – April 6, 2013.
  6. Involuntary Computing: Hacking the Cloud. Sebastien Goasguen, Lance Stout, and Michael A. Murphy. Emerging Research Paper and Poster. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2010). Indianapolis, Indiana. November 30 – December 3, 2010.
  7. Scaling Virtual Organization Clusters over a Wide Area Network using the Kestrel Workload Management System. Lance Stout, Michael Fenn, Michael A. Murphy, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 4th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC 2010). Chicago, IL. June 22, 2010.
  8. Self-Provisioned Hybrid Clouds. Linton Abraham, Michael A. Murphy, Michael Fenn, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 7th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications (ICAC 2010). Washington, DC. June 7 – June 11, 2010.
  9. Kestrel: An XMPP-based Framework for Many Task Computing Applications. Lance Stout, Michael A. Murphy, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 2nd Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS 2009). Portland, Oregon. November 16, 2009.
  10. A Study of a KVM-based Cluster for Grid Computing. Michael Fenn, Michael A. Murphy, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 47th ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE ’09). Clemson, South Carolina. March 19 – March 21, 2009.
  11. Dynamic Provisioning of Virtual Organization Clusters. Michael A. Murphy, Brandon Kagey, Michael Fenn, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid ’09). Shanghai, China. May 18 – May 21, 2009. (21% acceptance rate)
  12. Distributed Management of Virtual Cluster Infrastructures. Michael A. Murphy, Michael Fenn, Linton Abraham, Joshua A. Canter, and Benjamin T. Sterrett. Paper. Fifth International Workshop on System Management Techniques, Processes, and Services (SMTPS ’09). Rome, Italy. May 25, 2009.
  13. Virtual Organization Clusters. Michael A. Murphy, Michael Fenn, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. 17th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2009). Weimar, Germany. February 18 – February 20, 2009.
  14. An Evaluation of KVM for Use in Cloud Computing. Paper. Michael Fenn, Michael A. Murphy, Jim Martin, and Sebastien Goasguen. Paper. Second International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative. Research Triangle Park (Durham), North Carolina. May 15 – May 16, 2008.
  15. The Efficacy of Live Virtual Machine Migrations over the Internet. Eric Harney, Sebastien Goasguen, Jim Martin, Mike Murphy, and Mike Westall. Paper. Second International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing. Reno, Nevada. November 12, 2007.
  16. Fine-Scale Environmental Sensor Networks for Water Quality Monitoring. Christopher J. Post, Pinky D. Tejwani, Yeshanth K. Jayakumar, Gregory C. Taylor, Joshua K. Lawrence, Michael A. Murphy, Elena A. Mikhailova, and William R. English. Presentation. 2006 Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Baltimore, Maryland. May 23 – May 26, 2006.
  17. A Sensor Network for Soil Moisture Analysis and Ephemeral Stream Detection. Michael A. Murphy and Christopher J. Post. Paper. Innovations and Commercial Applications of Distributed Sensor Networks. Bethesda, Maryland. October 18 – October 19, 2005. (Selected as a best paper)
  18. Estimating Watershed Accumulated Precipitation From Radar and Gage Data. Michael A. Murphy, Christopher J. Post, and Megan A. Goddard. Poster. 2005 Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 23 – May 27, 2005.

Mentored Student Presentations

  1. Christina Nance. “TealForensics: My Experience. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Virtual. May 3, 2021.
  2. Jeanne Dehetre. “TealForensics.” HTC Honors College Thesis Presentation. Virtual (due to COVID-19). May 3, 2020.
  3. Douglas C. Turner. “Pulley: Secure Administration of Virtual and Remote Computing Systems.” Poster Presentation. 52nd ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE ‘14). Kennesaw, Georgia. March 28 – March 29, 2014.
  4. Olga Tweedy. “Wintertime Enhancement of Mesospheric-Lower Thermospheric Ozone.” Oral Presentation. Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium (BigSURS 2013). High Point, North Carolina. April 5 – April 6, 2013. Co-Mentor with Var Limpasuvan. Collaborators (NCAR): Anne Smith, Rolando Garcia, and Doug Kinnison.
  5. John P. Sheehan. “Automation of Regional Numerical Weather Simulation.” Poster Presentation. Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium (BigSURS 2013). High Point, North Carolina. April 5 – April 6, 2013. Co-Mentor with Var Limpasuvan.

Academic Theses

  1. Virtual Organization Clusters: Self-Provisioned Clouds on the Grid. Michael A. Murphy. Doctoral Dissertation, Clemson University, 2010.
  2. Sensor Networks and Remote Sensing Processing Algorithms for Hydrological Applications. Michael A. Murphy. Departmental Honors Thesis, Clemson University, 2005.

External Scholarly Presentations (Non-Refereed)

  1. Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. Cybersecurity PD: Computer Science Unplugged Professional Development. South Carolina Department of Education. Conway, SC. November 8, 2024.
  2. Cybersecurity. Michael A. Murphy. 2023 Annual Symposium of the Health Technology Management Association of South Carolina (HTMA-SC 2023 Conference). Columbia, SC. May 3, 2023.
  3. Information Technology: Bachelor of Science. Mike Murphy and Cory Nance. Sixth Annual Grand Strand Tech Expo. Myrtle Beach, SC. March 24, 2015.
  4. B.S. Information Technology: 2+2 Degree Completion Program, Fall 2014. Mike Murphy. Horry Georgetown Technical College. Outreach presentation to 3 different HGTC courses. Conway, SC. September 16 and 18, 2014.
  5. Scientific Modeling and Cyberinfrastructure. Mike Murphy, Var Limpasuvan, Shaowu Bao, and Len Pietrafesa. Fifth Annual Grand Strand Tech Expo. Myrtle Beach, SC. April 9, 2014.
  6. Coastal Carolina University Cyberinfrastructure Project. Mike Murphy and Var Limpasuvan. Fourth Annual Grand Strand Tech Expo. Myrtle Beach, SC. March 27, 2013.
  7. Virtualizing Labs at Coastal Carolina University. Michael A. Murphy. VMWare Users Group. Conway, SC. November 17, 2011.
  8. Sensor Networks and Remote Sensing Processing Algorithms for Hydrological Applications. Michael A. Murphy. National Weather Service Forecast Office. Greer, SC. May 18, 2005.

University Presentations and Colloquia (Non-Refereed)

  1. Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. ITS National Internet Day Information Security Event. Residence Hall Association, Coastal Carolina University. Zoom (Online). October 29, 2020.
  2. Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. October 22, 2019.
  3. The CCU Cyberinfrastructure. Mike Murphy. CCU Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (C-SURF) Orientation. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. May 21, 2018.
  4. Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. October 31, 2018.
  5. Browsing Safely: Social Networks & Mobile Devices. Mike Murphy. Coastal Carolina University Information Security Awareness Week. Information Technology Services, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. November 15, 2018.
  6. Modern Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. October 23, 2017.
  7. The CCU Cyberinfrastructure. Mike Murphy. CCU Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (C-SURF) Orientation. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. May 22, 2017.
  8. The CCU Cyberinfrastructure Project. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. November 15, 2016.
  9. What Can CCU Cyberinfrastructure Do for You? Mike Murphy. School of Coastal, Marine, and Systems Science Seminar. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. March 3, 2016.
  10. The CCU Cyberinfrastructure Project. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. October 20, 2015.
  11. Modern Digital Privacy. Mike Murphy. Privacy in the Digital Age. Edgar Dyer Institute for Leadership and Public Policy, Coastal Carolina University. Myrtle Beach, SC. February 14, 2015.
  12. The CCU Cyberinfrastructure Project. Mike Murphy. UNIV 110S: One Talk, One Time. College of Science, Coastal Carolina University. Conway, SC. November 10, 2014.
  13. Building a Router from Commodity Computer Hardware. Mike Murphy. Numbers and Bytes. Live demonstration of router construction to a CCU student group. Conway, SC. October 30, 2014.
  14. Using Radar and Gage Data to Estimate Watershed Precipitation. Michael A. Murphy and Christopher J. Post. Poster. 2005 Clemson University Research Forum. Clemson, South Carolina. April 6, 2005.
  15. Sensor Networks for Water Quality Applications. Michael A. Murphy, Pinky D. Tejwani, Gregory C. Taylor, and Christopher J. Post. Poster. 2005 Clemson University Research Forum. Clemson, South Carolina. April 6, 2005.


Grants Awarded

  1. Varavut Limpasuvan (P.I.), Roi Gurka (Co-I), and Michael Murphy (Co-I, P.I.). “MRI: Acquisition of a Computing Cluster for Atmospheric and Geophysical Research.” Major Research Instrumentation Award #1624068. National Science Foundation. 2016-2019. $108,524. (Assumed P.I. role in 2019 after the original P.I. accepted a directorship at NSF.)
  2. Crystal Cox, Jean French, Clint Fuchs, Sathish Kumar, Michael Murphy, Cory Nance, and Tally Wright. “B.S. Information Technology Degree Completion Program.” CCU Online Learning Incentive Grant. 2016-2017. $49,800.
  3. Crystal Cox, Jean French, Rich Kilroy, Sathish Kumar, and Mike Murphy. “M.S. Information Systems Technology.” CCU Online Learning Incentive Grant. 2014-2015. $31,500.
  4. Jean H. French, Crystal Cox, and Mike Murphy. “Implementation of E-Assess, an Electronic Assessment Scheduling and Data Collection Tool.” CCU Assessment Grant. 2013-2014. $6,300.
  5. Michael A. Murphy and Varavut Limpasuvan. “Pulley: A Remote System Management Tool.” CCU Professional Enhancement Grant. 2012-2013. $2,628.
  6. Varavut Limpasuvan (P.I.) and Michael A. Murphy (Co-I). “Changes in the Upper Atmospheric Ozone.” South Carolina Space Grant Consortium. 2012-2013. $7,998.
  7. Michael A. Murphy. Graduate Research Fellowship. National Science Foundation. 2007-2010. $121,500.

Unfunded Proposals

  1. Paul A. Conrads (P.I.), Varavut Limpasuvan (P.I.), Shaowu Bao (Co-I), Michael A. Murphy (Co-I), Bo Song (Co-I), Thomas M. Williams (Co-I), Dong L. Wu (Collaborator), and Lisa Darby (Collaborator). “Monitoring Nearshore Salinity to Evaluate US Coastal Drought Conditions.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences. 2014. $795,270.
  2. Var Limpasuvan (P.I.), Shaowu Bao (Co-I), Michael A. Murphy (Co-I), Erin E. Hackett (Co-I). “Coastal Operational Forecast for Regional Assessment Model (COFRAM).” Concept letter, South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium. 2013. $160,000.
  3. Michael H. Roberts (P.I.), D. Brian Larkins (Co-I), Varavut Limpasuvan (Co-I), William M. Jones (Co-I), Thomas R. Hoffman (Co-I), Louis Rubbo (Co-I), Megan Cevasco (Co-I), Paul T. Gayes (Co-I), Michael A. Murphy (Co-I), Kehui Xu (Co-I). “Establishment of a Center for Computational Science to Enhance Research and Education.” NSF/SC EPSCoR Track II Proposal. 2011. $187,040.

Scholarly Service

Doctoral Committees (Coastal Carolina University)

Peer Reviewer

Subject Matter Expert / Reviewer

Conference Participation

University Service

Campus Technology

Academic Committees

Search Committees

University Governance

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

Student Organizations

Other Service


Courses Developed, Revised, and taught. Courses with a CSCI or IST prefix were taught at Coastal Carolina University. CPSC and FOR prefixed courses were taught at Clemson University.

Graduate Level

Undergraduate Level

Professional Development

Conferences Attended (Non-Presenting)

Completed Technical Training

Completed Instructional Training

Completed Administrative Training

Systems and Development Projects

Coastal Carolina University

Clemson University

Community Service

Professional Affiliation

Awards and Honors

Coastal Carolina University

Clemson University

Syracuse University

University of South Carolina
