MSCI 111L: Introduction to Marine Science Laboratory
Course Description: An introduction to the general theory and principles of marine science covering the physical, biological, geological, and chemical characteristics of seawater and sediments.
MSCI 112/L: Origin and Evolution of the Marine Environment Lecture / Laboratory
Course Objectives: The ocean basins have come to their present state through a multitude of geological, chemical, physical, atmospheric, and biological processes operating on a range of time and spatial scales. The primary objectives of this course are for the student to understand these processes, to understand the "the earth system history" as we know it today and to be able to apply this knowledge to the past, present, and future, both in very short and very long time periods.
MSCI 304/L: Marine Geology Lecture / Laboratory
Course Description: This class is intended to provide a foundation in the geological aspects of marine science. By nature, geology is multidisciplinary, borrowing ideas and tools from biology, chemistry and physics to understand earth/ocean history. The marine geologist commonly reconstructs past habitats, processes or events and studies the changes of the earth/ocean/atmosphere through time (can be a very short time period!). It is often through reconstruction of the past that we can better understand systems in the present or infer future changes.
MSCI 316/L: Sedimentary Geology Lecture / Laboratory
Introduction to the concepts and practices in the field of sedimentary geology, including classical stratrigraphic concepts, basic sedimentary petrology and depositional environments. Sedimentology focuses on the classification, origin and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks, while stratigraphy emphasizes the anaysis of sedimentary strata, the layers of sedimentary rocks that cover about 3/4 of the earth's surface. These strata can provide details of earth's history, such as sea level change, global climate, tectonic processes and geochemical cycles.
MSCI 440L: Applied Coastal Geophysics Laboratory
Course Description: A major discipline of the geosciences, geophysics is the study of the earth by quantitative physical methods, such as electromagnetic, gravitational, and acoustic/seismic techniques. This course offers a survey of geophysical principles and techniques commonly used in geologic and oceanographic research and studies.
MSCI 444L: Climate & Landscape Change Through Time Laboratory
Course Objectives: This class is intended to provide a foundation in climate change and its affect on earth systems over varying time scales. It will explore climate response to changes in atmospheric and ocean circulation and the resulting change on the landscape and ecology. By nature, the study of paleo-climatology is multidisciplinary, borrowing ideas and tools from biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to understand earth/ocean history. Field trips will be used highlight these changes on local systems.
MSCI 488: Coastal Oceanography Literature Review
Course Description: This seminar series provides students the opportunity to learn how to read scientific papers in a group discussion format. We meet weekly to discuss relevant papers in the recent literature while focusing on interdisciplinary oceanographic studies.
CMSS 616: Applied Geophysical Data Processing
Course Description: This course provides hands-on training in geophysical data processing techniques commonly used in geologic and oceanographic research, including sidescan, chirp and multibeam sonar data sets. Integration of digital data processing, interpretation and visualization using industry standard software will be covered.
It is recommend that students take CMSS 614: Applied Geophysical Field Methods concurrently.
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