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Section A.1 More about functions

Definition A.1.1.

Let \(A\) and \(B\) be sets. The set of all functions between \(A\) and \(B\) is denoted \(B^A\) or \(Hom(A,B)\text{.}\)

The reason for the abbreviation \(Hom\) is because a certain special kind of function that many mathematicians are interested in is called a “homomorphism”.

If you were wondering why the set of functions from \(A\) to \(B\) was called \(B^A\) and not \(A^B\text{,}\) hopefully this theorem answers your question. We will not provide a proof of this theorem just yet, and wait until Part III of the book.

Recall that in Chapter 1 we stated but did not prove the following theorem concerning the cardinality of the power set.

For the student who is interested enough to read about cardinalities of functions, we can use the fact that \(|B^A|=|B|^{|A|}\) to prove this theorem by recontextualizing the power set as a function \(A \to \{0,1\}\text{.}\)

Let \(A\) be a set and consider the set \(\{0,1\}\) of two elements. We will construct a function \(f:A \to \{0,1\}\text{.}\) The point is that there is a correspondence between the subsets of \(A\) (the elements of \(\mathscr{P}(A)\)) and such functions. Take a subset \(E \subseteq A\text{;}\) if \(a \in E\text{,}\) then we can say \(f(a)=1\text{;}\) and if \(a \not\in E\text{,}\) we can say \(f(a)=0\text{.}\) Likewise, we can go from functions to subsets. So, since there are \(2^{|A|}\) functions \(A \to \{0,1\}\text{,}\) there are also \(2^{|A|}\) subsets.

That proof may have been a little abstract. Consider the following example.

The power set of \(B = \{c,d,e\}\) is

\begin{equation*} \mathscr{P}(B) = \Big\{ \varnothing, \{c\}, \{d\}, \{e\}, \{c,d\}, \{c,e\}, \{d,e\}, \{c,d,e\}\} \end{equation*}

We can see for ourselves that \(|\mathscr{P}(B)|=8=2^3\text{.}\) To understand how each element of the power set can be viewed as a function \(f:B \to \{0,1\}\text{,}\) take the subset \(\{c,d\}\) as an example. Because \(c\) and \(d\) are both in the subset, we say \(f(c)=1\) and \(f(d)=1\text{.}\) On the other hand, \(f(e)=0\text{.}\)

For the two extreme examples, \(\varnothing\) corresponds to the function where \(f(x)=0\) for all \(x \in B\) and \(\{c,d,e\}\) corresponds to the function where \(f(x)=1\) for all \(x \in B\text{.}\)