Vladislav Gulis List of publications Selected Journal Articles 1. Tiegs S.D., Capps K.A., Schmidt J.P., Costello D.M, Patrick C.J. and
others including Gulis V. (2024). Human activities shape global
patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science 384: 1191-1195. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adn1262 2. Tomczyk N.J., Rosemond A.D., Whiteis A.M., Benstead J.P., Gulis
V. (2023). Temperature and interspecific interactions drive differences in
carbon use efficiencies and biomass stoichiometry among aquatic fungi. FEMS
Microbiology Ecology 99: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiad021 3. Tomczyk N.J., Rosemond A.D., Kominoski J.S., Manning D.W.P., Benstead
J.P., Gulis V., Thomas S.A., Hotchkiss E.R., Helton A.M. (2023).
Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake stoichiometry tracks supply ratio during
2-year whole-ecosystem nutrient additions. Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-022-00813-1 4. Franco-Duarte R., Fernandes I., Gulis V., Cássio F., Pascoal C. (2022). ITS rDNA barcodes clarify molecular
diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes. Microorganisms 10: 1569. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10081569 5. Boyd A.D., Walker N.S., Valdez S.R., Zhang Y.S., Altieri A.H., Gulis V., Crain C., Silliman B.
(2022). Invertebrate grazing on live turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum):
a common interaction that may facilitate fungal growth. Frontiers in
Marine Science 8: 789380. PDF * 6. Benstead J.P., Cross W.F., Gulis V., Rosemond A.D. (2021).
Combined carbon flows through detritus, microbes, and animals in reference
and experimentally enriched stream ecosystems. Ecology 102: e03279. PDF * 7. Tiegs S.D., Costello D.M., Isken M.W., …, Gulis V. and others
(2019). Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and
riparian zones. Science Advances 5:
eaav0486. PDF * 8. Fiuza P.O., Costa L.A., Medeiros A.O., Gulis V., Gusmão L.F.P.
(2019). Diversity of freshwater hyphomycetes associated with leaf litter of Calophyllum brasiliense in streams of
the semiarid region of Brazil. Mycological
Progress 18: 907-920. PDF * 9.
Kominoski J.S., Rosemond A.D., Benstead J.P., Gulis
V., Manning D.W.P. (2018). Experimental nitrogen and phosphorus additions
increase rates of stream ecosystem respiration and carbon loss. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: 22-36. PDF * 10.
Manning D.W.P., Rosemond A.D., Gulis V.,
Benstead J.P., Kominoski J.S. (2018). Nutrients and temperature additively
increase stream microbial respiration. Global
Change Biology, 24: e233-e247. PDF * 11.
Gulis V., Kuehn K.A., Schoettle L.N., Leach D.,
Rosemond A.D., Benstead J.B. (2017). Changes in nutrient stoichiometry,
elemental homeostasis and growth rate of aquatic litter-associated fungi in
response to inorganic nutrient supply. The
ISME Journal, 11: 2729-2739. PDF * 12.
Bush B.M., Hutchens J.J., Gulis V., Godwin K.S.
(2017). Impact of macroconsumers on leaf breakdown and detritivores in
wetlands on a Southeastern US Coastal Plain floodplain during drought. Wetlands, 37:
1169-1179. PDF * 13.
Fiuza P.O., Cantillo-Pérez T., Monteiro J.S., Gulis
V., Gusmão L.F.P. (2017). Rare hyphomycetes from freshwater environments from
Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. Nova
Hedwigia 104: 451-466. PDF
* 14.
Fiuza P.O., Cantillo-Pérez T., Gulis V.,
Gusmão L.F.P. (2017). Ingoldian fungi of Brazil: some new records and a
review including a checklist and a key. Phytotaxa
306:171-200. PDF * 15.
Manning D.W.P., Rosemond A.D., Gulis V.,
Benstead J.P., Kominoski J.S., Maerz J.C. (2016). Convergence of detrital
stoichiometry predicts thresholds of nutrient-stimulated breakdown in
streams. Ecological Applications
26: 1745-1757. PDF * 16.
Chauvet E., Ferreira V., Giller P.S., McKie B.G.,
Tiegs S.D., Woodward G., Elosegi A., Dobson M., Fleituch T., Graça M.A.S., Gulis
V., et al. (2016). Litter
decomposition as an indicator of stream ecosystem functioning at
local-to-continental scales: insights from the European RivFunction project. Advances
in Ecological Research 55: 99-182. PDF
* 17.
Rosemond A.D., Benstead J.P., Bumpers P.M., Gulis
V., Kominoski J.S., Manning D.W.P., Suberkropp K. & Wallace J.B. (2015).
Experimental nutrient additions accelerate terrestrial carbon loss from
stream ecosystems. Science 347: 1142-1145.
PDF * 18.
Ferreira V., Castagneyrol B., Koricheva J., Gulis
V., Chauvet E. & Graça M.A.S. (2015). A meta-analysis of the effects of
nutrient enrichment on litter decomposition in streams. Biological Reviews 90: 669-688. PDF * 19.
Manning D.W.P., Rosemond A.D., Kominoski J.S., Gulis
V., Benstead J.P., Maerz J.C. (2015). Detrital stoichiometry as a critical
nexus for the effects of streamwater nutrients on leaf litter breakdown
rates. Ecology, 96: 2214-2224. PDF * 20.
Kominoski J.S., Rosemond A.D, Benstead J.P, Gulis
V., Maerz J.C, Manning D.W.P. (2015). Low-to-moderate nitrogen and phosphorus
concentrations accelerate microbially driven litter breakdown rates. Ecological Applications 25:156-165. PDF * 21.
Ferreira V., Larranaga A., Gulis V.,
Basaguren A., Elosegi A., Graca M.A.S. & Pozo J. (2015). The effects of
eucalypt plantations on plant litter decomposition and macroinvertebrate
communities in Iberian streams. Forest
Ecology and Management 335: 129-138. PDF * 22.
Baschien C., Tsui C.K.M., Gulis V., Szewzyk U. & Marvanová L. (2013).
The molecular phylogeny of aquatic hyphomycetes with affinity to the
Leotiomycetes. Fungal Biology 117: 660-672. PDF * 23.
Toledo-Hernández C., Gulis V., Ruiz-Díaz C.P., Sabat A. & Bayman P.
(2013). When aspergillosis hits the fan: disease transmission and fungal
biomass in diseased vs. healthy sea fans (Gorgonia ventalina). Fungal
Ecology 6: 161-167. PDF * 24.
Woodward G., Giller P.S., Gessner M.O., Gulis V., et
al. (2012). Continental-scale effects of nutrient pollution on stream
ecosystem functioning. Science 336: 1438-1440. PDF * 25.
Gulis V., Baschien C. & Marvanová L. (2012).
Two new Tricladium species from
Alaska. Mycologia 104, 1510-1516. PDF
* 26.
Hladyz S., Woodward G, Ǻbjörnsson K., Chauvet E.,
Dobson M., Elosegi A., Ferreira V., Fleituch T., Gessner M.O., Giller P.S., Gulis V., et
al. (2011). Stream ecosystem functioning in an agricultural landscape:
the importance of terrestrial-aquatic linkages. Advances in Ecological
Research 44: 211-276. PDF * 27.
Suberkropp K., Gulis V.,
Rosemond A.D. & Benstead J.P. (2010) Ecosystem and physiological scales
of microbial responses to nutrients in a detritus-based stream: Results of a
5-year continuous enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 149-160. PDF * 28.
Campbell J., Marvanová L. & Gulis
V. (2009) Evolutionary relationships between aquatic anamorphs and
teleomorphs: Tricladium and Varicosporium. Mycological Research 113:
1322-1334. PDF * 29.
Benstead J.P., Rosemond A.D., Cross
W.F., Wallace J.B., Eggert S.L., Suberkropp K., Gulis V.,
Greenwood J.L., Tant C.J. and Weyers H.S. (2009). Nutrient enrichment alters
storage and fluxes of detritus in a headwater stream ecosystem. Ecology 90: 2556-2566. PDF
* 30.
V., Suberkropp K. & Rosemond A.D. (2008). Comparison of fungal
activities on wood and leaf litter in unaltered and nutrient-enriched
headwater streams. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:
1094-1101. PDF * 31.
Rosemond A.D., Cross W.F.,
Greenwood J.L., Gulis V., Eggert S.L., Suberkropp K., Wallace J.B.
& Dye S.E. (2008). Nitrogen versus phosphorus demand in a detritus-based
headwater stream: what drives microbial to ecosystem response? Verh.
Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 651-655. PDF
* 32.
Ferreira V., Gulis V. &
Graça M.A.S. (2006). Whole-stream nitrate addition affects litter
decomposition and associated fungi but not invertebrates. Oecologia
149: 718-729. PDF * 33.
V., Ferreira V. & Graça M.A.S. (2006). Stimulation of leaf litter
decomposition and associated fungi and invertebrates by moderate
eutrophication: implications for stream assessment. Freshwater Biology
51: 1655-1669. PDF * 34.
Ferreira V., Elosegi A., Gulis
V., Pozo J. & Graça M.A.S. (2006). Eucalyptus plantations affect fungal
communities associated with leaf-litter decomposition in Iberian streams. Archiv
für Hydrobiologie 166: 467-490. PDF * 35.
Girilovich I.S., Gulis V.,
Khramtsov A.K. & Poliksenova V.D. (2005). Micromycetes of the Belarusian
National State Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". II. Powdery mildew
fungi. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 39: 24-30. [In Russian] 36.
V., Rosemond A.D., Suberkropp K., Weyers H.S. & Benstead J.P. (2004).
Effects of nutrient enrichment on the decomposition of wood and associated
microbial activity in streams. Freshwater Biology 49: 1437-1447. PDF * 37.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2004). Effects of whole-stream nutrient enrichment
on the concentration and abundance of aquatic hyphomycete conidia in
transport. Mycologia 96: 57-65. PDF * 38.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2003). Interactions between stream fungi and
bacteria associated with decomposing leaf litter at different levels of
nutrient availability. Aquatic Microbial
Ecology 30: 149-157. PDF * 39.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2003). Effect of inorganic nutrients on relative
contributions of fungi and bacteria to carbon flow from submerged decomposing
leaf litter. Microbial Ecology 45:
11-19. PDF * 40.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2003). Leaf litter
decomposition and microbial activity in nutrient-enriched and unaltered
reaches of a headwater stream. Freshwater Biology 48: 123-134. PDF * 41.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2003). The effect of excluding plant litter on the
aquatic hyphomycete conidia in a headwater stream. Czech Mycology 54:
249-260. 42.
Girilovich I.S., Khramtsov A.K., Gulis
V. & Poliksenova V.D. (2003). Micromycetes of the Belarusian National
State Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". I. Peronosporales and
Uredinales. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 37: 20-27. [In Russian]. 43.
Marvanová L. & Gulis V. (2002). A new name for Sporidesmium fuscum Gulis
& Marvanová. Mycotaxon 82:
451. 44.
V. (2001). Are there any substrate preferences in aquatic hyphomycetes? Mycological
Research 105: 1088-1093. PDF * 45.
Marvanová L. & Gulis V.I. (2000). Notes on
aquatic hyphomycetes and streamborne spora from Austria. Austrian Journal
of Mycology (Österr. Z. Pilzk.) 9: 125-140. 46.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1999). Antibiotic effects
of some aquatic hyphomycetes. Mycological Research 103: 111-115. PDF * 47.
Gulis V. (1999). Preliminary list of aquatic hyphomycetes from
central Belarus. Mycotaxon 72: 227-230. PDF
* 48.
Gulis V. & Marvanová L. (1999). Three new scolecosporous
hyphomycetes from waters in Belarus. Mycotaxon 72: 237-250. PDF * 49.
Gulis V.I. & Marvanová L. (1998). Filosporella exilis sp. nov. on submerged
plant debris from Belarus. Mycotaxon 68: 313-320. PDF * 50.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1998). Aquatic
hyphomycetes in culture. II. Growth kinetics and production of antibiotic
substances. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Belarus, Ser. Biol. Sci. No. 4:
112-115. [In Russian]. 51.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1998). New records of
aquatic hyphomycetes from Belarus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Belarus, Ser.
Biol. Sci. No. 3: 53-56. [In Russian]. 52.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1998). New records of
aquatic hyphomycetes from the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve and some
watercourses of Minsk region. Trans. Belarusian State Univ. Ser. 2, Chem.,
Biol., Geogr. No. 3: 42-44. [In Russian]. 53.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1996). Aquatic
hyphomycetes in culture. I. The morphology of colonies. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. Belarus, Ser. Biol. Sci. No. 3: 103-107. [In Russian]. 54.
Gulis V.I. & Stephanovich A.I. (1995). New for Republic of
Belarus species of aquatic hyphomycetes. Trans. Belarusian State Univ.
Ser. 2, Chem., Biol., Geogr. No. 2: 28-32. [In Russian]. 55. Manning D.W.P., Ferreira V., Gulis V., Rosemond A.D. (2021).
Pathways, mechanisms, and consequences of nutrient-stimulated plant litter
decomposition in streams. In: C.M.
Swan et al. (Eds.) The Ecology of Plant
Litter Decomposition in Stream Ecosystems, Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 347-377. PDF * 56. Gulis V., Marvanová L. & Descals E. (2020). An illustrated key to
the common temperate species of aquatic hyphomycetes. In: Graça
M.A.S., Bärlocher F. & Gessner M.O. (Eds.) Methods to study litter decomposition: a practical guide, Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 223-239.
PDF * 57. Gulis V., Su R. & Kuehn K.A. (2019). Fungal decomposers in freshwater
environments. In: Hurst C.J. (Ed.) Advances
in environmental microbiology. Vol. 7. The structure and function of
aquatic microbial communities. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 121-155. PDF * 58.
Gulis V. & Bärlocher F.
(2017). Fungi: biomass, production, and community structure. In: Hauer F.R. & Lamberti G.A.
(Eds.) Methods in stream ecology,
Vol. 1, pp. 177-192. Academic
Press, San Diego, CA. PDF * 59.
Ferreira V., Gulis V., Pascoal C., Graça
M.A.S. (2014). Stream pollution and fungi. In: Jones E.B.G., Hyde K.D., Pang K.L. (Eds.) Freshwater fungi and fungal-like organisms,
pp. 389-412. De Gruyter, Berlin. PDF
* 60.
Gulis V. (2013). Diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes
in the National Park Belavezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus. In: Modern problems in
botanical and mycological research, pp. 95-97. Belarusian State
University Press, Minsk, Belarus. 61.
Gulis V., Kuehn K.A. & Suberkropp K. (2010)
Fungi. In: G. Likens (Ed.) Plankton of Inland Waters, pp. 45-55.
Elsevier, Oxford, U.K. 62.
V., Kuehn K.A. & Suberkropp K. (2009) Fungi. In: G. Likens (Ed.) Encyclopedia
of Inland Waters, Vol. 3, pp. 233-243. Elsevier, Oxford, U.K. PDF * 63. Gessner
M.O., Gulis V., Kuehn K.A., Chauvet E. & Suberkropp K. (2007).
Fungal decomposers of plant litter in aquatic ecosystems. In: C.P. Kubicek
& I.S. Druzhinina (Eds.) The Mycota, Vol. IV, Environmental and
Microbial Relationships. 2nd edn., pp. 301-324. Springer, Berlin. PDF * 64.
V., Kuehn K.A. & Suberkropp K. (2006). The role of fungi in carbon and nitrogen
cycles in freshwater ecosystems. In: Gadd G.M. (Ed.) Fungi in
biogeochemical cycles, pp. 404-435. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK. PDF * 65.
V. & Suberkropp K. (2006). Fungi: biomass, production and sporulation of
aquatic hyphomycetes. In: Hauer F.R. & Lamberti G.A. (Eds.) Methods
in stream ecology, 2nd edn., pp.311-325. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA. PDF
* 66.
Gulis V., Marvanová L. & Descals E. (2005). An
illustrated key to the common temperate species of aquatic hyphomycetes. In:
Graça M.A.S., Bärlocher F. & Gessner M.O. (Eds.) Methods to study
litter decomposition: a practical guide, pp. 153-167. Springer,
Dordrecht, the Netherlands. PDF * * Copyright Notice: Reprints of published articles are provided as a service to enhance accessibility and the exchange of information. All copyrights remain with the original publishers of the articles. Please make only a single copy of any article, for personal use only. |