Associate professor - School of Coastal and Marine Systems Science - Coastal Carolina University

Conway, SC, 29598, USA

Research interests

Avian aerodynamics

Odor based navigation

Scalar transport

Turbulence in stratified flows

Fluid structure interaction

Particle Image Velocimetry

Planar Laser Induced fluoresce

Particle Tracking

High speed Imaging

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition


Selected Publications

Ben-Gida H., Liberzon A. and Gurka R., 2015, A stratified wake of a hydrofoil accelerating from rest, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2015.09.031.

Stanlov O., Ben-Gida H., Kirchhefer A.J., Guglielmo C.G., Kopp G.A., Liberzon A. and Gurka R., 2015, On the estimation of time dependent lift of a European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) during flapping flight, Plos One, 10(9): e0134582.

Taylor Z.J., Gurka R. and Kopp G.A., 2014, Effects of leading edge geometry on the vortex shedding frequency of elongated bluff bodies at high Reynolds numbers, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 128:66-75.

Ben-Gida H., Kirchhefer AJ. Taylor Z.J., Benzer-Kerr W., Guglielmo C., Kopp G.A., Gurka R., 2013, Estimation of unsteady aerodynamics in the wake of a freely flying European starling, Plos One, 8(11): e80086.

Taylor Z.J., Liberzon A., Gurka R., Holzman R., Reesbeck T. and Diez F.J., 2013, Experiments on the vortex wake of a swimming knifefish, Experiments in Fluids, 54: 1588.

Taylor Z.J., Kopp G.A., and Gurka R., 2013, Distribution of spanwise enstrophy in the near wake of three symmetric elongated bluff bodies at high Reynolds number, Physics of Fluids, 25: 055103.

Kirchhefer A.J., Kopp G.A. and Gurka R., 2013, The near wake of a freely flying European Starling, Physics of Fluids, 25: 051902.

Hadad T. and Gurka R., 2012, Tracer Particles characteristics and their effect on PIV/PTV analysis, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 45:203-212, 2013.

Weihs D., Hadad T., Gurka R. and Liberzon A., 2013, Flexible blade for in-line measurement of low-range viscosity, Chemical Engineering Science, 91: 130-133.

Liberzon A., Gurka R., Sarathi P. and Kopp G.A., 2012, Estimate of turbulent dissipation in a decaying grid turbulent flow, 39, 71-78, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.

Sarathi P., Gurka R., Kopp G.A. and Sullivan, 2011, A calibration scheme for quantitative concentration measurements using simultaneous PIV and PLIF, Experiments in Fluids, 52, 247-259.

Hashemi P., Gurka R. and Hangan H., 2010, Experimental investigation of tornado-like vortex dynamics with swirl ratio: The mean and turbulent flow fields, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamic, 98, 936-944.

Sarathi P., Gurka R., Sullivan P.J. and Kopp G.A., 2010, Experimental measurements of expected mass fraction function in a contaminant plume, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 137(2), 167-185.

Diamessis P.J., Gurka R. and Liberzon A., 2010, Spatial characterization of vortical structures and internal waves in a stratified turbulent wake using proper orthogonal decomposition, Physics of Fluids, 22, 086601.

Taylor Z., Gurka R., Kopp G.A. and Liberzon A., 2010, Long duration, time-resolved PIV to study unsteady aerodynamics, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 59, 3262-3269.

Gillo D., Gilboa B., Gurka R. and Bernheim A., 2009, Cooperative motion of molecular motors: force induced dynamic transitions, Physical Biology, 6, 1-10.

Recent Conferences

Mears N.P., Hackett E.E. and Gurka R., 2016, An Experimental Study on Physical Factors Affecting Dispersion and Dilution of the Main Street Stormwater Outfall Pipe in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Ocean Science Meeting, New-Orleans.

Troup M.L., Fribance D.B., Libes S.M., Gurka R. and Hackett E.E., 2016, Physical Conditions during Hypoxic Events in Long Bay, South Carolina: 2006-2014, Ocean Science Meeting, New-Orleans.

Ben-Gida H., Gurka Roi and Weihs D., 2015, Aerodynamics of a freely flying owl from PIV measurements in the wake, 68 Annual Meeting of APS, Division of Fluid Dynamics, MA, Boston.

Verso L., Reeuwijk M., Gurka R., Diamessis P. and Liberzon A., 2015, Entrainment of a turbulent patch in a stratified fluid, 15th European turbulence conference, Delft, Netherlands.

Segreto J.M., Kirchhefer, A.J., Hackett, E.E., Guglielmo, C.G., Kopp, G.A. and Gurka, R., 2015, Experimental study of the unsteady aerodynamics during flapping flight of birds: European Starling, Western Sandpiper and American Robin, 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Naples, Italy.

Segreto J., Kircheffer A.J., Guglielmo C.G., Kopp G.A. and Gurka R., 2015, Flow features at the near wake of freely flying European Starling, Western Sandpiper and American Robin, SICB2015, FL, West Palm Beach.

Open positions

We're looking for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students for environmental fluid flows, bio-fluid dynamics and biology - turbulence interactions. Send your CV and research interests

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