# eysenck.txt # Data were originally from Howell (7e), p.417, table 13.2, but were # modified by me to make the variances agree more closely with the article. # Groups denote different instructions given to subjects reading a list # of words (variable "Instructions"). # Counting=count the letters in each word. # Rhyming=think of another word that rhymes with the listed word. # Adjective=think of an adjective that could modify the listed word. # Imagery=imagine the object described by the listed word. # Control=were told they would be tested for recall of the words. # Data are for subjects aged 55-65 years (variable "Age"=older), and for # subjects aged 18-30 years ("Age"=younger). The group sizes, means, and sds # are those obtained by Eysenck (1974). However, the individual observations # have been recreated. See Howell, chap. 13. Variable "Recall" represents the # number of items recalled correctly when subjects were asked to recall. The # list contained 30 words, so this is the max. possible value of Recall. # http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/methods7/DataFiles/DataSets.html # Original source: Eysenck, M.W. (1974). Age differences in incidental learning. # Developmental Psychology, vol. 10(6), 936-941. # Recall Age Instructions 6 Older Counting 10 Older Counting 7 Older Counting 9 Older Counting 6 Older Counting 7 Older Counting 6 Older Counting 9 Older Counting 4 Older Counting 6 Older Counting 6 Older Rhyming 6 Older Rhyming 10 Older Rhyming 8 Older Rhyming 10 Older Rhyming 3 Older Rhyming 5 Older Rhyming 7 Older Rhyming 7 Older Rhyming 7 Older Rhyming 10 Older Adjective 7 Older Adjective 14 Older Adjective 7 Older Adjective 13 Older Adjective 11 Older Adjective 13 Older Adjective 11 Older Adjective 13 Older Adjective 11 Older Adjective 23 Older Imagery 19 Older Imagery 10 Older Imagery 12 Older Imagery 11 Older Imagery 10 Older Imagery 16 Older Imagery 12 Older Imagery 10 Older Imagery 11 Older Imagery 10 Older Control 14 Older Control 5 Older Control 11 Older Control 12 Older Control 19 Older Control 15 Older Control 14 Older Control 10 Older Control 10 Older Control 7 Younger Counting 9 Younger Counting 7 Younger Counting 7 Younger Counting 5 Younger Counting 7 Younger Counting 7 Younger Counting 5 Younger Counting 4 Younger Counting 7 Younger Counting 6 Younger Rhyming 10 Younger Rhyming 6 Younger Rhyming 8 Younger Rhyming 10 Younger Rhyming 7 Younger Rhyming 7 Younger Rhyming 9 Younger Rhyming 9 Younger Rhyming 4 Younger Rhyming 14 Younger Adjective 22 Younger Adjective 18 Younger Adjective 13 Younger Adjective 15 Younger Adjective 17 Younger Adjective 10 Younger Adjective 12 Younger Adjective 12 Younger Adjective 15 Younger Adjective 15 Younger Imagery 16 Younger Imagery 14 Younger Imagery 20 Younger Imagery 17 Younger Imagery 18 Younger Imagery 15 Younger Imagery 20 Younger Imagery 19 Younger Imagery 22 Younger Imagery 18 Younger Control 21 Younger Control 21 Younger Control 18 Younger Control 16 Younger Control 22 Younger Control 22 Younger Control 22 Younger Control 18 Younger Control 15 Younger Control