Some terms to know

  • central nervous system (CNS) - brain and spinal cord
  • peripheral nervous system (PNS) - cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and peripheral ganglia
  • meninges - three outer membranes surrounding the CNS
  • ventricles - hollow spaces inside the CNS
  • cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - fills the ventricles and a space between two of the meninges
    • cushioning (padding)
    • buoyancy
  • nucleus vs. ganglion - collections of cell bodies in the CNS / PNS
  • tract vs. nerve - bundles of axons in the CNS / PNS
  • gray matter vs. white matter - areas of the CNS that are predominantly cell bodies / myelinated axons

Anatomical organization of the nervous system (see similar table in textbook)

encephalon ventricle principle structures function
CNS forebrain telencephalon
lateral cerebral cortex (neocortex,
and limbic cortex)
perception, cognition, memory, voluntary movement, emotion
limbic system emotion and memory
basal ganglia movement
diencephalon third thalamus relay into neocortex
hypothalamus drives, endocrine & limbic systs, ANS
midbrain mesencephalon cerebral aqueduct tectum primitive sensory
tegmentum various
hindbrain metencephalon fourth pons "bridge" into cerebellum, various
cerebellum movement, balance, coordination
myelencephalon central canal medulla various (mostly reflexive)
spinal cord spinal cord central canal dorsal horn sensory input
ventral horn motor output
PNS somatic (none) (none) 12 pairs of cranial nerves sensory/motor head and neck
31 pairs of spinal nerves sensory/motor body
autonomic peripheral ganglia ANS relays

Some images to label