An R Function Finder ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is an alphabetical list of procedures you may wish to carry out, along with some of the associated functions that may be helpful in that respect. This should in NO WAY be considered a complete listing of R functions! Only functions in the base R default installation are included here (and even as such the list is far from com- plete). There are MANY more functions and procedures in the optional packages. To get more information on any of the functions, just request the help page, for example, help(mean). Or refer to the R Function Reference found at this site. This is a plain text document, so use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- absolute value abs() addition sum(), + analysis of covariance aov(), lm() analysis of variance aov(), anova(), oneway.test(), lm(), manova(), summary() antilogs exp() array (creation of) array() array (naming of dimensions) dimnames() autocorrelation acf() bar graph barplot() binomial coefficients choose() binomial distribution dbinom(), pbinom(), qbinom(), rbinom() binomial test binom.test() Bonferroni tests pairwise.t.test() bootstrapping boot() (boot library) Box-Cox transformations boxcox() (MASS library) box plots boxplot() categorical variables see factor chi-square distribution dchisq(), pchisq(), qchisq(), rchisq() chi-square goodness of fit test chisq.test() chi-square independence test chisq.test() colors on a graph colors(), rainbow(), heat.colors(), topo.colors() combinations choose() confidence intervals t.test(), confint() contingency table (creating) table(), xtabs(), array() contingency table (naming dims) colnames(), rownames(), dimnames() contingency table (working with) addmargins(), margin.table(), prop.table(), ftable() contrasts (checking, setting) contrasts() Cook's distance cooks.distance() correlation cor() correlation matrix cor() correlation significance test cor.test() covariance matrix cor(), cov(), var(), cov2cor() cross tabulation xtabs(), table() data (entering) c(), scan(), read.table() data (retrieving built in) data() data frame (access to variables) with(), attach(), detach(), dfname$varname data frame (coerce to), data frame (creating) data.frame() data frame (descriptive stats) summary() data frame (info about) dim(), names(), str(), head(), tail() data frame (naming rows & cols) rownames(), colnames() data frame (sorting of) order() data frame (working with) order(), select(), subset(), stack() dates date(), difftime() deciles quantile() descriptive statistics (simple) summary(), fivenum(), mean(), median(), var(), sd() descriptive statistics by group by(), tapply(), aggregate(), model.tables() division / draw on an existing graph abline(), lines(), points(), text(), curve(), title() exponentiation ^, exp() F distribution df(), pf(), qf(), rf() factor (creating) factor(), gl() factor (info about) summary(), levels() factor (levels) levels(), relevel(), factor() factor (value labels) factor() factorials factorial() files (reading in) load(), read.table(), read.csv(), source() files (saving) save(), save.image(), write.table(), write.csv() Fisher Exact test fisher.test() Fisher LSD tests pairwise.t.test() flat table ftable() frequency distribution table(), stem(), cut(), hist(), density() Friedman Rank Sum test friedman.test() function (creating) function() generalized linear models glm() graphics window (opening), quartz() (Mac only), windows() (Win only) graphing plot(), barplot(), boxplot(), hist(), scatter.smooth(), interaction.plot(), stripchart(), lines(), points(), curve(), identify(), locator(), text() help help(),, apropos(), args() histogram hist() homogeneity of variance test bartlett.test(), fligner.test() influence measures cooks.distance(), influence.measures(), etc. interaction line graph interaction.plot() interquartile range IQR(), summary(), fivenum(), quantile() kernel density smoothing density(), plot(density()) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ks.test() Kruskal-Wallis test kruskal.test() legend (adding to a graph) legend() lines (drawing on a graph) abline(), lines(), curve() list (creation of) list() log linear analysis loglm() (MASS library), glm(), loglin() logarithm log(), log10(), log2(), exp() logical operations all(), any(), which(), ifelse(), & (and), | (or) logistic regression glm() looping for(), etc. Mann-Whitney test wilcox.test() marginal sums (contingency table) addmargins() matrix (coerce to) as.matrix() matrix (creation of) matrix(), cbind(), rbind() matrix (info about) dim(), head(), colnames(), rownames() matrix (naming rows & cols) colnames(), rownames(), dimnames() matrix operations colMeans(), rowMeans(), t(), %*% maximum max(), range(), summary(), fivenum() mean (arithmetic) mean(), summary() mean (harmonic of vector) 1/mean(1/vector) mean (weighted) weighted.mean() median median(), summary() median absolute deviation mad() minimum min(), range(), summary(), fivenum() missing values NA, na.omit mosaic plot mosaicplot() multiple regression lm(), update(), step(), summary() multiplication prod(), * multivariate anova manova() normal distribution dnorm(), pnorm(), qnorm(), rnorm() normal distribution (testing) shapiro.test(), ks.test(), qqnorm() normal probability (QQ) plot qqplot(), qqnorm(), qqline() objects (what kind are they?) class() package management search(), install.packages(), installed.packages() percentiles quantile() pie chart pie() points (plotting on a graph) points() Poisson distribution dpois(), ppois(), qpois(), rpois() post hoc tests TukeyHSD(), pairwise.t.test() power calculations power.prop.test(), power.t.test(), power.anova.test() prediction from regression model predict() profile plot interaction.plot() proportions prop.table() proportion test prop.test(), binom.test() quartiles quantile(), summary(), fivenum() quantiles (arbitrary) quantile() quit R quit() random numbers rnorm(), runif(), etc. range range(), summary(), fivenum() regression coefficients coef(), coefficients(), confint() regression confidence intervals confint() regression (simple, multiple) lm(), coef(), fitted(), residuals(), summary() regression diagnostic plots plot(lm_model) regression influence measures cooks.distance(), influence.measures(), etc. regression line (drawing) abline() regression model (updating) update(), step() regression (predicting from) predict() regression (stepwise) step() repeating values (create) rep() rounding round() sample size length() samples (simulation) sample(), rnorm(), runif() saving files (see files) save(), save.image(), write.table(), write.csv() scatterplot plot(), scatter.smooth() scatterplot matrix pairs(), plot() scripts (reading in) source() search path search(), attach(), detach(), library(), require() sequences (regular) seq() Shapiro-Wilk test shapiro.test() smoothing density(), plot(density()), scatter.smooth(), lowess() sorting sort(), order(), rank() Spearman correlation cor() square root sqrt() standard deviation sd() stem-and-leaf display stem() strip chart stripchart() Student's t-test t.test() square root sqrt() subsetting data subset(), select() subtraction diff(), - sum sum() sum of squares (of vector) sum(vector^2)-sum(vector)^2/length(vector) t distribution dt(), pt(), qt(), rt() t-test t.test(), pairwise.t.test() tables (creating) table(), array(), (see also matrix, contingency table) tables (working with) prop.table(), ftable(), (see also contingency table) test (adding to a graph) text() titles and labels on a graph title() trig functions sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), etc. Tukey's HSD test TukeyHSD() uniform distribution dunif(), punif(), qunif(), runif() variance var() variance significance test var.test() (see also homogeneity tests) vector (creation of) c(), seq(), rep(), scan(), numeric() vector (info about) summary(), length(), head(), class() weighted mean weighted.mean() Wilcoxin tests wilcox.test() working directory dir(), getwd(), setwd() workspace functions ls(), rm()